Angelica Care Collective Presents…
FREE Narcan Training and Community Health Social
Location: Montpelier
FREE. Food provided. Space is limited, must RSVP. (
Wed Oct 23 5:30-7pm, please arrive between 5:15 and 5:30
Kelly Arbor of VT Cares will guide a workshop designed for community based organizations serving at risk individuals
What you can expect to learn:
-What is Harm Reduction?
-What is an opioid overdose?
-What is an opiate?
-Recognizing the signs of an opioid overdose.
-Risk factors related to opioid overdose. -Overdose prevention tips.
-What is Narcan, how it works and how to use it.
-Steps to administering Narcan in the event of an accidental overdose.
-The Good Samaritan Law.
-Where to access Narcan and other Harm Reduction services __________________
The training will be followed with dinner and a group conversation led by the Angelica Care Collective about community health. We will be discussing harm reduction, collective care, mutual aid, consent culture, what resources exist near and far, and potential collaborations.
The Angelica Care Collective organizes spirit-nourishing events, and trainings in the street medic tradition, open and accessible to all: skilling and upskilling to be the best neighbors we can be.