Join Lynn Levine, Forester, Author and Founder of Nature Connect for a guided tour of "treasured" trees in Brattleboro on Tuesday, October 8, sponsored by Guilford Cares and Guilford Conservation Commission.
The Brattleboro Tree Advisory Board created this walking tour of Treasured trees as part of their commitment to protecting and promoting respect for the trees around us. The community was asked to nominate trees they considered to be extraordinary or fascinating. Our guide, Lynne Levine served as Project Manager. A trail guide with fascinating information about each of the selected trees will be provided.
This is an easy walk on paved sidewalks. You can choose a short option of 1.25 miles or a longer option totaling 2.25 miles.To carpool, meet at the Guilford Country Store. We will be leaving promptly at 10:30. To drive directly, meet at the huge sycamore tree at the end of Harris Place at 10:50. Consider having lunch together at the Country Store on our return.
For more information contact Guilford Cares, 579-1350; gcares@com
Feb 8, 2025, 10 AM to 2 PM
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