Northern Vermont University Ceramic Arts
Presents the 25th Annual Throw-A-Thon
To Benefit Operation Smile and the Vermont Foodbank
Please join us for a fun-filled evening in the ceramic arts studio, room 117, at Northern Vermont University - Johnson's Visual Arts Center, Friday October 18th, from 12 noon to 12 midnight.
For a donation of $5.00, you are invited to participate in creating hand crafted and/or wheel-thrown ceramic forms. All of the ceramic art work created during the Throw-A-Thon will be donated to the studio, finished, fired, and presented for sale during the NVU Holiday Ceramic Sale to be held in November. All proceeds from both events will benefit Operation Smile and the Vermont Foodbank.
Join us for a little while or stay all night. Leave and come back for more.
What is Operation Smile?
Operation Smile is a private, not-for-profit, volunteer medical services organization providing reconstructive surgery and related health care to indigent children and young adults in developing countries and the United States. Operation smile provides education and training around the world to physicians and other health professionals to achieve long-term self-sufficiency. Operation Smile brings together health professionals with the public and private sectors to provide voluntary care to improve the quality of life for the children, families and communities that share in the Operation Smile experience. By creating international partnerships, Operation smile builds trust, bridges cultures and bestows dignity at home and abroad.
Mar 6, 2025, 10:30 AM to 12 PM
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