Irasburg Selectboard Meeting

Past event
Oct 2, 2019, 5:30 PM

OCTOBER 2nd, 2019 @ 5:30 PM AT THE TOWN HALL

1. Call the meeting to order
2. Additions or deletions to the agenda

3. Review and approve the minutes of the September 18th, 2019 regular meeting and the September 16th, 2019 special meeting
4. Public comment period
5. Stephanie & Sean Harper/ Mona and Louis Piette in regards to concerns about the Asphalt Plant.
6. Review and approve proposal for masonry repair on Library steps.
7. Review and possible adopt an updated Animal Control Ordinance
8. Review and possibly approve bid to run a waterline at the Town Garage for improved access.
9. Review and approve the Bills and Payroll for Order #20
10. Possibly appointment a Selectboard Clerk
11. In correspondence
12. Adjourn the meeting

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