Kate O'Neill - a Love Story from the Opioid Epidemic

Past event
Oct 15, 2019, 4:30 to 6 PM

"Junkie," Sister, Daughter, Mom: A Love Story From the Opioid Epidemic -

Last fall, a young mom named Madelyn Linsenmeir died after struggling with opioid-use disorder for more than a decade. Her obituary went viral and was read by millions of people online. Madelyn's sister, writer Kate O'Neill, talks about her family's experience loving and losing Maddie, the stories of other Vermonters impacted by this disease, and potential solutions to the crisis.

The talk will take place in Stearns Performance Space on Northern Vermont University-Johnson's campus. The event is free and open to the public.

Questions? contact Emily Neilsen (635-1408, emily.neilsen@northernvermont.edu)

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