Fall Foraging: Seeds, Nuts, Berries and Tubers: Tuesday, Oct. 1, 2019 (6 to 9 p.m.)
Milton Grange, Route 7, Milton, VT
You've probably nibbled on raspberries and blackberries in the wild but may not be sure about the edibility of some other visually-enticing Fall berries. Did you know that groundnut vines yield small but nutty-tasting tubers? Serviceberries and Nannyberries also offer snacks…if you find and eat them before the birds do. In this show-and-tell program, Naturalist Laurie DiCesare will offer some precautions, a bit of botany, folklore and Native American uses for some of our local wild edibles with preparation and storage options. Ages 8 and up. Fee: $10. Call Milton Recreation at 802.893.4922 to sign up.
Do you enjoy card games? Interested in learning to play Mah Jongg, the Chinese tile-trading game? "Mah Jongg for Fun and Flexibility" starts Monday Oct. 7 at the Milton Grange (6 to 9 p.m.) E-mail Laurie for her Green Events (and Recreation) list for full game description NatureHaven@MyFairPoint.net or 893-1845; or call Milton Recreation at 893-4922 to sign up ($28 for 4 evenings). Namaste :-)
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