Upcoming Pasture Walk: Managing Grazing for Soil Health

Past event
Sep 30, 2019, 10 AM to 1 PM

Tangible Advantages of Managing Grazing for Soil Health: A Pasture Walk
10:00am - 1:00pm
Philo Ridge Farm, 2766 Mount Philo Rd., Charlotte, VT
COST: Free

Join Juan Alvez, (UVM Extension Research Associate, Pasture Program Technical Coordinator), the Vermont Grass Farmers Association and host Philo Ridge Farm (https://www.philoridgefarm.com/) for a pasture walk and discussion on the consequences of managing grazing for soil health in:

* production,
* water holding capacity,
* soil carbon,
* forage,
* and annual cover crops performance.

Philo Ridge Farm is a diversified vegetable and livestock grass-fed farm that emphasizes multi functionality, and ecosystem process based agriculture through managing soil health and pasture management.

CONTACT: Register at https://www.eventbrite.com/e/tangible-advantages-of-managing-grazing-for-soil-health-a-pastu[...]363

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