Mindful Flower Drawing Workshop

Past event
Nov 10, 2019, 1:30 to 3:30 PM

I am holding an indoor workshop at Railyard Apothecary in Burlington Vermont on Sunday November 10th from 1:30-3:30pm. We will have a bouquet of flowers to draw from and practice. If you are interested you can sign up via the website listed below and you can contact me with any questions!

This workshop is for all levels and will cover the fundamentals of observational and mindful drawing.

It is about noticing and truly seeing the details to create a drawing of some cut flowers. This class will give anyone a jumping off point to be able to draw more frequently and with more confidence.

Please bring the following materials:
1. Sketchpad of your choice
2. Pencil of your choice
3. Art pen of your choice (which can be any old pen!)
4. An eraser.
If you need us to supply materials, please let us know in advance.

There are no rights or wrongs with what you pick for materials as they will all work, it is really what you think works best for you. A pencil sharpener and a collection of colored pencils will be provided. You are more than welcome to also bring a particular flower you have that you would like to draw.

Cost: $20

Thank you!


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