Social Band, Burlington's lively band of singers, will put on a concert at Cathedral Church of St. Paul in Burlington next weekend -- Sunday, April 6, at 3:00pm. Tickets $15 at the door (suggested donation), $12 in advance. More info:,
Spring is at hand, poised to surprise us yet again with seemingly magical changes in the natural world around us. Yet, there is something constant about the return of spring -- the seasons ever return and cycle!
Social Band, Burlington’s lively band of singers, explores this pairing of change and endurance with its spring concert series “The World will ever Dance and Sing! Songs of Succession and Permanence.” The concert program weaves together poetry and songs exploring how things (seasons, ages, cycles, lifetimes) shift from one stage to the next.
The program includes jubilant compositions by Vermont composers and buoyant hymns welcoming the coming of spring as well as music that crosses the boundary between “choral” and “folk.”
Join us for some finely tuned words and music as we shake off March and take on April. It’ll happen next weekend:
Cathedral Church of St. Paul, Burlington -- Sunday, April 6 at 3:00pm. $15 door / $12 advance.
Or-- If you can't make it to our concert at St. Paul’s, we will sing the concert the day before at the United Church of Hinesburg, April 5 — 7:30pm, and this coming weekend:
· Saturday, March 29, 2014 - 7:30pm ~ Richmond Free Library
· Sunday, March 30, 2014 - 3:00pm ~ Charlotte Congregational Church