The Calais Democratic Committee will hold its 2019 Caucus and Meeting on Tuesday, September 24, 6:00–7:00 pm, at the Calais Town Office, 3120 Pekin Brook Road.
Attendees must be registered voters in the Town of Calais.
This is your opportunity to get involved in the democratic process as we head into the 2020 primaries and general elections. We must all stand up to protect and preserve social justice, save the environment, fight for fair elections, and defend America's Constitutional rights and liberties.
Democracy is not won solely at the presidential and congressional levels. It is important that we also work to support and elect Democratic candidates at the state and local levels as well. Our involvement has never been so important and greatly needed. This is a serious time for our country, our democracy, our children's future, and the American way of life we grew up loving and respecting.
The power of the people is greater than the people in power!
Get involved now! Please join the Calais Democratic Committee at this critical juncture and be a part of shaping the 2020 elections!
Calais Democratic Committee Caucus
Tuesday, September 24, 2019
6:00 – 7:00 pm
Calais Town Office
3120 Pekin Brook Road
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