6 Family Yard Sale
91 Seymour St, Middlebury
9-1 Sunday Sept. 22
Kitchen items: Crockpot, coffeemaker, toaster oven, blender, pressure cooker, storage containers, Tupperware, and more!
Kid stuff: baby swing, Diaper Genie II, high chair, umbrella stroller, Bummies cloth diapers, basketball hoop, , soccer shoes & shinguards, toys, books, and more!
Clothes: lots of women's size XL-2XL shirts & 14-16 pants, men's size XL, girl clothes to size 7, kids shoes, womens size 7-7.5 shoes & boots, lots of coats & vests
Misc: Bridgestone 255/65R16 tires (set), twin air mattress, exercise bike, adult bikes, lots of books, lots of puzzles, perennials, and more!
Mar 8, 2025, 7 to 9 PM
Winter Youth Chorus with MCMCMar 13, 2025, 5:15 to 6:45 PM
Career Center CMA & Phlebotomy Combined CourseMar 13, 2025, 6 to 9 PM