Curb Sale Giveaway Event!

Past event
Sep 21, 2019, 11 AM to 5 PM

It's all gotta go! My parents have been kind enough to store a bunch of my belongings for more years than I'd like to admit. Now that I'm living a minimalist lifestyle in a conversion van, I want to give away my non essentials.

Giveaway items include my Star Wars and Superman metal lunch boxes from the late 80s, various books, a bike trainer, more books, random items, a suede leather driving coat, and even more books. It's more than a fall cleaning event, it's a cathartic purge of all my non essential belongings from 30 something years. Free is the best price. And you never know what you'll find when closets get a deep clean. So stop on by from 11:00 to 5pm.

270 Longmeadow Dr, Shelburne

Cheers and thank you!
Michael Farnsworth

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