Hi Folks – Please join us for our Fall Workshops Event – Two workshops on the same day: Advocating for change through storytelling with Vermont Story Lab and understanding the State Budget process and how to make it work for all Vermonters with Public Assets Institute. Lunch is on us.
You must register by Friday am this week (tomorrow ) - if planning on attending the Morning program and staying for Lunch!
You can register for the morning or afternoon workshop or both. Space in limited in the AM session.
Please see attachments for more details. Submit Registration online with links below. THANKS - VCDR
Vermont Coalition for Disability Rights
Fall Workshops
September 25th – 9:30 - 3:30
Capitol Plaza, Montpelier
Executive Board Room
Check-In – 9:30 AM Coffee and Muffins
MORNING Session 10:00- 12:00
How to Educate, Advocate & Create Change through Story with Vermont Story Lab
Learn the basics of telling your story to advocate for change. This interactive Hands-on workshop will help you understand what the core concepts and structure of story are. We also will explore how to incorporate advocacy into your story so you spur action with your words. We will have opportunity to practice sharing your story, crafting and polishing it, and getting feedback on all the ways we can use and share it.
LUNCH on US 12:10 – 1:00 Deli Lunch Selection
AFTERNOON Session 1:10 - 3:30
Making the State Budget Work for all Vermonters with VT Public Assets Institute and One Vermont
The Legislature appropriates nearly $6 billion each year, but there is little (or no) opportunity for Vermonters to understand or have meaningful input into this process. This session will provide both. Public Assets will give a report on the state budget process and revenue forecasts. Workshop attendees will then work on looking ahead and setting priorities to develop budget proposals that address the present and future needs of Vermonters. These proposals will be fine-tuned so that they can be delivered to the governor and the Legislature.
You can join us for the morning and afternoon sessions or one of the two. Please indicate if you will be joining us for lunch on the form:
Morning Session
https://vcil.wufoo.com/forms/ q1x8q2fp0ugqe6m/
Afternoon Session
Contact Karen Lafayette with any questions: kmlafayette@aol.com (802-373-3366)
Or Stefanie Monte on registration – online registration forms above will go directly to Stefanie when submitted: smonte@vcil.org
Please fill out survey if attending the morning session with VT Story Lab:
Vermont Story Lab survey, which will help VT Story Lab gauge where all participants are at now and plan the workshop accordingly: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/79NV9B5
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