Help Needed! Folsom Playground

Past event
Sep 21, 2019, 8:30 AM

Who hasn't enjoyed a Saturday morning slide or afterschool swing? Come on...I know you all have. Even if you or your children didn't or don't go to Folsom, we've all used the community playground once or twice.

Now the playground needs your help. The changing seasons and years of healthy play have had their toll on the safety and presentation of this community asset. Mulch has been donated through RiseVT and now it's up to us, the community, to make good use of it.

I am looking for some volunteers to help beautify Folsom's playground on Saturday September 21st at 8:30 AM.

We'll need shovels, rakes, wheelbarrows and hopefully someone with a bucket tractor to make the work easier for everyone. Many hands make light work!

Water, snacks and access to Folsom bathrooms will be provided.

This is a great opportunity for volunteer hours for students and community members at large.

Contact Luke Tremble at to let me know if you can make it.

Thank you!

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