Randolph Early Education Network Event

Past event
Sep 28, 2019, 10 AM to 3 PM

Randolph Early Education Network
Will host 2 trainings by Scott Noyes September 28th
At Green Mountain Gospel Chapel

The first training will be 10-12pm and the second training will be 1-3pm
The cost of each training is $10.00. You can choose to attend both or just one. Please reserve you space by September 25th by calling Penny Carpenter 802-276-3414 or Belinda Gifford at 802-793-3349.

Helping Children Dev Helping Children Develop Healthy Sleep Patterns

The results of children not getting enough sleep are astonishing. Sleep deprivation can have serious effects on physical health and mental impairments. Inadequate rest impairs our ability to think, handle stress, maintain a healthy immune system and moderate our emotions. The loss of one hour of sleep for a child each night is equivalent to two years of cognitive maturation and development. In addition, sleep-deprived people fail to recall pleasant memories yet recall gloomy memories just fine. This presentation will review the facts about the importance of sleep and how to help children establish and maintain healthy sleep habits. 2 hours

Children's Rivalry

Learn how to help children with rivalry, competition, resentfulness, envy and conflict. Competition for parent or care provider's support, the other side of each rivalry story, the role of active listening, working with all feelings, parental fairness, labeling problem children, and how to help when children are fighting, are some of the topics examined in this session. 2 hours

Scott has been professionally working, playing, writing and talking about children for thirty years. He teaches a graduate level course in "Challenging Behaviors," and an undergraduate course in "Positive Discipline." Scott's first book "Positive Discipline - That Works!" is in its fourth publishing. His second book, "Intentional Language" was released in the fall of 2003. His newest reader, "This Child is Driving Us Crazy - What Should We Do?" helps adults develop an effective behavior plan for children with feisty behaviors.

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