Friday Food Affair - Something for Everyone

Past event
Sep 20, 2019, 5 to 7 PM

No one had signed up to cook - so a half dozen or so folks pulled together at the last minute and will put on a great meal! There will be a variety of foods - but not a lot of any one thing. So come early and come hungry for the best selection. See what a little ingenuity and emailing can do! Its really not that hard to put on a dinner for 70 or so of your soon to be friends!

Here is some of the offerings.

Corn Chowder
Shepards pie (meat and lentil)
Mac n Cheese
Spring rolls
Casseroles - TBD
Panera Bread

Lots of desserts - pie, ice cream, cookies etc.

The Friday Food Affair @5 is a semi-monthly community meal prepared by volunteers from the community and is enjoyed by many in the fellowship hall of the Richmond Congregational Church on Bridge Street. If you are new to town - come and meet some neighbors! If you are tired after a long work week - come and let us cook for you. Always a vegetarian option, and often we can usually accomodate vegan, gluten free and dairy free.
The FFA@5 works because the community pulls together and pitches in to prepare good food and others come to eat and help clean up. Families come, children play, people share stories and laughter.

Donations are accepted, but not expected. Pay what you can to help keep us going.

To sign up to cook

If you can't cook, but want to help - we can always use help serving or picking up at the end of the meal. Just pitch in. Many hands make light work. So much fun - and teens can accrue community service hours if they need to find a fun place to volunteer their talents.

Thanks to the Richmond Congregational Church for generously hosting the Friday Food Affair @5. We are all very appreciative of their generosity.

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