Walk for All Animals

Past event
Sep 28, 2019, 11 AM to 1 PM

Green Mountain Animal Defenders' 9th Annual WALK FOR ALL ANIMALS
September 28, 2019 - Walk begins at 11:00 a.m.

Just as foliage peaks in the crisp, clear air, Green Mountain Animal Defenders (GMAD) will hold their 9th Annual Walk for All Animals in Burlington, Vermont, where animal lovers of all ages will gather from near and far to walk in honor of all species.
On this fun-filled, family-friendly walk, animal advocates will raise awareness about compassion for animals, with many walkers carrying signs with targeted messages such as "Animals deserve humane treatment," or, "Compassion, not Cruelty." The walk is a great opportunity to help raise funds for GMAD's mission of "Working to protect the well-being of all animals."

Event Details
Participants at our family-friendly event are encouraged to dress up in animal-related costumes and/or bring their leashed or willingly restrained animal companions to join in the festivities.
The walk is scheduled to begin at 11:00 a.m., but check-in will open at 10 a.m. Those who arrive early will have a chance to try out some vegan baked goodies, meet and socialize with other walkers, have first choice of signs to carry, take pictures, visit our outreach booth, and more.
Registration opens at 10:00 AM
Walk begins at 11:00 AM
Just over 1 Mile Walk (1.2 Miles)
Registration fee of $5 per participant (12 and under are FREE)

Saturday, September 28, 2019
In front of Burlington City Hall
149 Church Street
Burlington, VT 05401

** Rain date will be Sunday, September 29, 2019**

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