10th Annual Cohase Chamber of Commerce 48 Hour Film Slam

Past event
Sep 20, 5:30 PM to 7:30 PM, Sep 22, 2019

The Cohase Chamber of Commerce is excited to announce its 10th Annual 48 Hour Film Slam and welcomes teams from Vermont, New Hampshire and beyond to participate in one of the most celebrated Film Slam competitions in the region.

The Slam will begin the evening of Friday, September 20th and will conclude  the evening of Sunday, September 22nd at 7:30pm with a public screening of the  completed films at the Bradford, Academy Building in Bradford, Vermont.

A panel of judges from the film industry and regional community will award cash prizes ($500, $250 and $100) to the top three teams, as well as a Peoples' Choice award of $100.

Participating teams will be required to create a film in 48 hours utilizing an assigned genre, a specific line of dialogue, a specific area landmark, a specific prop and product placement from one of the event sponsors.

There is no registration fee and teams of all ages and skill levels are  encouraged to participate. However, space is limited. You can register you team  Online at http://bit.ly/2YMmUSK

For more information about the event, please contact the Chamber at  cohasechamber@gmail.com or by phone at (802) 518-0030. 

This event is made possible through the generous financial support of local  sponsors Woodsville Guaranty Savings Bank, WYKR, Wells River Savings Bank,  Odell Insurance, Housewright Construction, Mark Nielsen, Camp Farwell, and the Trendy  Times. 

Sarah H. Pushee
Executive Director
Cohase Chamber of Commerce

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