Bells Across America

Past event
Sep 17, 2019, 4 to 4:30 PM

This year is the 64th anniversary of Constitution Week and the 232nd anniversary of the signing of the United States Constitution. The National Society Daughters of the American Revolution adopted an internal resolution on April 21, 1955, designating September 17-23 as Constitution Week. Members of the United States Congress received the DAR resolution; and on June 7, 1955, the resolution was discussed in the Senate. The first resolution to observe Constitution Week was made June 14, 1955, by Senator William F. Knowland of California. Following the passage of the resolution by both Houses of Congress, President Eisenhower issued his proclamation on August 19, 1955.
The first observance of Constitution Week was so successful that on January 5, 1956, Senator Knowland introduced a Senate Joint Resolution to have the President designate September 17-23 annually as Constitution Week. The resolution was adopted on July 23, 1956, and signed into Public Law 915 on August 2, 1956. This year in celebration of Constitution Week, the DAR is spearheading "Bells Across America". DAR Chapters across the county are asking churches, schools, courthouses, fire houses, veterans' homes, city governments, and individuals to ring bells on September 17 at 4 p.m. EST in all time zones so they are heard simultaneously from coast to coast. The local DAR Chapter, Green Mountain, asked the First Congregational Church of Essex Junction to participate and they have agreed. There is no standard number of times the bells are to be rung. First Church has decided to ring the bell 14 times – 13 for the original 13 states and one for Vermont, the 14th state. So when you hear bells ringing from the First Church steeple on September 17 at 4 pm, it is in celebration of the 232nd signing of the US Constitution. Everyone is invited to join in by ringing bells from their porches or come by First Church and ring your bell while standing on the sidewalk or parking lot.

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