Are you ready to get your hands (and boots) dirty for water quality? Winooski NRCD is seeking volunteers to help remove trash from local streams in Williston, VT on Saturday, September 14th. A volunteer training will take place at 9:00am in the Goodwill Parking lot in Williston (64 Harvest Lane). Volunteers will then break into teams to clean up the identified sites. Work is anticipated to be complete around noon.
Volunteers will spend the morning wading through stretches of rivers to remove debris like bottle caps, cigarette butts and tires. Volunteers should wear tall boots and work clothes and be prepared for the weather. Work gloves will be provided if needed. Anyone is welcome to join, but WNRCD strongly recommends only bringing children over the age of 10. All children must be accompanied by an adult at all times. A thank-you reception with refreshments will be held at Burlington Beer Company after the event.
Why should you sign up? Removing trash from urban streams improves habitat for wildlife like fish, turtles and amphibians and it prevents debris from washing further downstream where it will end up in Lake Champlain. The first 15 volunteers to sign up will receive a free Stream Team t-shirt on the day of the event (limited size availability) Register here: or email with questions.
This project is a collaboration between the Town of Williston, Chittenden County Solid Waste District, Rethink Runoff and Winooski NRCD. Sponsors include Guy's Farm and Yard and Burlington Beer Company. Winooski NRCD is an organization committed to improving soil health and water quality in Chittenden and Washington counties and the towns of Orange, Williamstown and Washington. Learn more at
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