September is National Suicide Prevention Month. Lamoille County's community Zero Suicide group would like to further the word on prevention and end the stigma about suicide. The term "Zero Suicide" is fairly straightforward in that our community partners are implementing ideas to lower the risk of a suicide in our area. The goal is having zero, or no suicides.
Vermont has the highest rate of deaths by suicide in New England and the 18th highest suicide rate in the nation in 2018. Suicide is the second leading cause of death for Vermonters aged 15-34, and the fourth leading cause of death for Vermonters aged 35-54. Suicide death rates are disproportionately high for older Vermonters and males ages 70 to 74 have the highest suicide death rates in the state.
LCMHS's effort in recognition includes a variety of events:
· Wednesday, September 11 - Monique Reil, Mobile Crisis Team Manager will talking live with Roland Lajoie from WLVB Radio at 8:15am (recording will be available later this week on LCMHS website
· Tuesday, September 17 from 9 to 11am - Zero Suicide Training for Healthcare partners at LCMHS (72 Harrel St)
· Wednesday, September 25 at 5:30pm at GMTCC - Film "The Ripple Effect" and discussion forum with Zero Suicide Team - Open to public
· Thursday, September 26 from 1 to 3pm - Zero Suicide Training for Healthcare partners at LCMHS (72 Harrel St)
LCMHS is offering cards and ribbons to promote talking and listening about suicide and suicide prevention available throughout the month at LCMHS front desk.
The film, "Suicide: The Ripple Effect" is a feature length documentary film and movement focusing on the devastating effects of suicide and the positive ripple effects of advocacy, inspiration and hope that are helping millions heal and stay alive. The film highlights the journey of Kevin Hines, who at age 19, attempted to take his own life. Today Keving is a world-renowned mental health advocate, motivational speaker and author who travels the globe spreading a message of hope, recovery and wellness. For more, visit:
Lamoille County Mental Health Services is a nonprofit organization providing quality developmental and behavioral health to the Lamoille Valley area, enhancing independence and quality of life.
For more information, contact us at: 802.888.5026