The Green Corn Ceremony

Past event
Sep 14, 2019, 10 AM to 4 PM

At the Ethan Allen Homestead Museum in Burlington, VT
Sept. 14th 10:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
Included with the Price of Admission

Join the Alnôbaiwi Abenakis as they celebrate the first corn harvest. The 1850's Abenaki camp wigwam, shade lean-to and cooking fireplaces will be set up on the Vermont Indigenous Center ceremonial grounds at the Ethan Allen Homestead. There Alnôbaiwis will process and cook the Abenaki harvest, including a "bean-hole" earth oven, baking, broiling and stewing corn, bean and squash dishes. In addition, Singing, Drumming and ceremonies such as the Blessings and Green Corn Dances will practiced. There will also be a short lecture at 1:00 PM on the history and culture of the Abenaki Green corn Ceremony.

A wonderful way to increase your knowledge of the early history of Vermont and enjoy the harvest season.
For more information call 802 865-4556

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