with State Geologist Marjorie Gale
DATE:Thursday, September 19
TIME:7 PM MEETING PLACE: Downstairs in Dummerston Church,
corner of Middle and East West Rd. FREE. CHILDREN ARE ENCOURAGED TO ATTEND
The Dummerston Conservation Commission is sponsoring a unique opportunity to spend the evening with Marjorie Gale, the Vermont State Geologist and Director of the Vermont Geological Survey. Marjorie will describe the geology of Dummerston-how Dummerston came to be-from the early rock and land formations, up through the glaciers and the development of our soils, to the landscape we enjoy today. There will be plenty of time for questions and a chance to study geologic and surficial maps of the region.
Marjorie joined the Vermont Geological Survey in 1996 and is co-author of the Bedrock Geologic Map of Vermont (2011). She spent most of her career mapping bedrock, developing groundwater resource maps, working on GIS projects, and doing outreach. She now directs programs which focus on mapping, ground water and hazards.
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