WomenSafe Annual Volunteer Training

Past event
Sep 17, 2019

Do you have a desire to help to make your community a more just and safe place to live? Are you looking for a rewarding volunteer experience? WomenSafe, an Addison County nonprofit organization, works to prevent, address and end dating, domestic, sexual violence and stalking and we are now accepting applications for our Annual Volunteer Training! This comprehensive and dynamic training opportunity is scheduled to start on Tuesday, September 17, 2019, and we are encouraging community members to apply now! Participants will acquire all the tools needed to: provide direct service through WomenSafe's 24-hour hotline, at court hearings, and in the office; coordinate public awareness and community outreach events; provide childcare or perform administrative assistance tasks. Space is limited; for more information or an application packet, please call WomenSafe: 388-9180, email: info@womensafe.net or visit the website www.womensafe.net.

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