"Poets in Conversation' at the Adamant Community Club

Past event
Sep 14, 2019, 7:30 to 9 PM

What do poets talk about
When they chance to get together?
The usual mundane things, no doubt -
Family, gardens, and weather.

But what if they are asked to speak
About the craft they know so well?
Come to Adamant late this week:
Eavesdrop on Jane and Nadell.

That's Nadell Fishman and Jane Shore, our guests.
The Community Club is the site.
They may speak of iambs and anapests,
And what inspires them to write.

Mark your datebook, be sure to remember:
Two Vermont poet in conversation
7:30 Saturday, 14 September
(No need to make a reservation)

Two roads diverged in a yellow wood:
Haggett and Martin, it's understood.
That's where the poem event will be,
And - did we mention? - the admission's free.

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