STORY NIGHT at the Loose Cannon Cafe
139 Main St, Bennington VT
Tuesday, September 17
Theme: Mystery (or painful situations)
Doors open at 6:45 Stories start at 7:30p
$5 person
Email me if you want to tell a story
also... email me if you want to be on the email list. I will be sending out an official letter tomorrow as well as Review info.
8 stories, up to 8 minutes per story, no notes, no props, about you and true are the only rules.
We're back this month, and with a few changes to the schedule. Last month was a bit of a mess. You can still tell your painful situations story this month if you would like! The theme is only a construct to help direct your story. If you happen to have a story that fits a different theme, tell it. No need to wait. If you went to the Harvest without getting the update of the cancellation, I am sorry, I heard there were a few people who didn't get the email. I hope you maybe took a moment when you were there. Maybe heard some stories around the bar. It is a nice place! Sean is doing a lot.
This will be my last month as the regular host of the monthly Story Night. The new hosts will be the amazing Mike Nigro and Jen Jasper to keep your stories going! I can't believe it has been over four and a half years! The show has never been bigger. As you know, if you attend, how busy it is every month. You all have made this what it is and it has been such a wild ride.
I will be finishing at the Review (BIG SHOW) which hopefully has changed to Old Castle Theater this year. I will send out an official date (beginning of NOV) when I get it. We are moving towards a podcast and producing the amazing stories that are told every month at Story Night. Maybe yours.
I want to hear yours! I got an offer from to try out the Loose Cannon cafe (formerly Brown Cow) and since I want to be at all the venues at least once we are moving from the Left Bank and going to go to the Cannon for September! They will be serving the full sandwich, salad and burger menu as well as a full assortment of drinks. They will be opening just for this event so come by and try them out and meet Greg or Mellissa. If you have never been to a Story Night, this is the one to see. We will have prizes (including tickets to the Review) as well as all the spontaneity that makes this show special and full of magic. Hope to see you all there.