Sunday School Begins at the First Congregational Church!
9:30 am Morning Worship Service
11:00 am Sunday School
12:00 noon Sunday School Kick-off Picnic
Sunday School is a fabulous opportunity for you and your family to build Christian values based on solid doctrine. We all need opportunities to question, think through, and learn the foundations of the Christian Faith. In Sunday School, children have the opportunity to learn God's truths in an age – appropriate setting with activities to reinforce those truths. Sunday School is also a great place for kids to build relationships with their peers and other Christian adults. For adults it is a place for iron to sharpen iron.
Here is a breakdown of the classes offered:
This year children ages 2 to Grade 4 will be using a variety of material from Great Commission Publications. Great Commission Publications is a covenantal, reformed curriculum whose goal is to raise up mature covenant disciples who are committed to glorifying God and enjoying him forever.
Students in Grades 5 to 8 will be studying "Understanding the Faith" by Stephen Smallman. This workbook walks students through the essentials of the Christian faith, modeling the format of The Westminster Shorter Catechism.
Special Needs Class: For teens and adults with special needs. All our classrooms are ADA compliant and there is an elevator to access them as well as the restrooms. This class will be studying the Book of Acts using the video "Acts: The Visual Bible" by CASSCOM MEDIA / DVD.
Grades 9 through Adults: Will continue studying the Westminster Confession of Faith with Pastor Doug.
For more information call 457-9818, look us up on the web at or Facebook, or e-mail
We look forward to seeing you on Sunday!
Administrative Assistant
36 Elm Street
Woodstock, VT 05091