Herbal Workshop for Lyme Disease Treatment May 11

Past event
May 11, 2014, 1 to 4 PM

A little out of the neighborhood but notable because there is no alternative pharmaceutical treatment for lyme disease.

A class based on Stephen Buhner's Lyme Formula, as well as other plants that are recommended for symptoms and the co-infections of Lyme. The medicine can easily be made in your home kitchen.

The class will cover:
- Making extracts from fresh and dried plants
- Sourcing plants
- How to wildcraft Japanese Knotweed
- Hands-on experience
- Handouts with "how to"

The class will be led by herbalist Bonnie Bloom.

May 11, 2014 1-4pm $50
home of Dan Foster
Stage Road
Putney, VT 05346

For more information, or to register, contact Dan Foster at defoster@svcable.net or phone 802.387.4661
Space is limited, so students must pay in advance

If you're interested in a similar class in Gill, MA, contact Bonnie Bloom at bluecrowbotanicals@gmail.com or 413.768.9253

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