The Mouse Comes to Cabot!

Past event
Apr 4 to 5, 2014

Coming next week: Cabot Community Theater proudly presents The Mouse That Roared! This satirical comedy will be appeal to young and old alike (though those of us old enough to remember the Cold War will find more levels of humor in the play!). Performances will take place in the Cabot School Performing Arts Center on Friday and Saturday April 4 & 5 at 7:00, and Sunday April 6 at 2:00. Admission price is once again only $5/person, and reservations can be made by calling 563-3338. Reservations are not required, but word has gotten out about how good the CCT shows are, and there are only 3 performances, so you might want to be on the safe side!

In this comedy, which was made into a movie starring Peter Sellers in the 1960s, the tiny nation of Grand Fenwick turns the question of worldwide balance of power on its head, as it plans an invasion of the United States to rectify its grievance against it! This production features a multi-generational cast of local actors committed to excellent, affordable, inclusive community theater.

The show features local actors Lori Augustyniak, Adam Blachly, Sam Carpenter, Barb Colf, Sawyer Estivill, Clara Mueller-Harder, Declan O'Connor, Maggie and Marion Palmiero, Leo Parlo, Dick Payne, Lily Scott, Aeden Scribner, Jonah Socks, Lila and Lori Stratton, Laura Stuemke, Fianna, Olivia, and Travis Verret, and Megan Walker. Direction is by Karen Mueller-Harder, and design/technical staff includes Janet Van Fleet, David Moody, Susie Socks, Paula Davidson, Todd Jones, Emily Dale, Susannah Blachly, Bruce Westcott, and Jeannie Johnson.

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