Climate Report at Putney Dems Meeting

Past event
Sep 18, 2019, 7 to 9 PM

Rep. Sarah Copeland-Hanzas (D-Bradford) Co-chair of the Legislative Climate Solutions Caucus, will help kick off the Putney Democrats Re-Organization Meeting on Wed.,Sept 18- 7pm at the Putney Public Library.

Rep.Copleand-Hanzas will report on the Climate Caucus' work in the past legislative session, and look ahead to the 2020 session and the 2020 Election cycle.
Then, we will start the legally required process in state law that requires each Town Political party to "re-organize", every two years.
We'll electing a Chair, Treasurer and Secretary, as well as Delegates to the County Party, who are then eligible to run for Delegate to the State Democratic Party.

This starts the official process of the 2020 election cycle.
With so much at stake in this next election, it's vital that we create a solid foundation at the Town level, to support subsequent work at the County, State and National levels.

Come, work with us as we carry our values forward on the banners of Environmental Justice, Economic Justice and Racial-Social Justice,
Together we can build a Vermont that works for all- not just a select few.

Spread the word, All are welcome!

More info?

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