Greetings! Do you know a young child 4-12 years of age interested in learning about farming and farm arts? Meadows Bee Farm Young Farmer Badge Program may be something they would be interested in joining. We gather one Saturday a month to learn all about different aspects of farming. At the end of the series, they earn a badges for all their efforts. Our fall series starting this Saturday, Sept. 7th, includes Cheese Making, Tools and Maintenance (building and repairs), and Friction Fire (using a bow drill). It takes place at Meadows Bee Farm, 4980 Windham Hill Rd. from 8am-1pm. Farm snack and lunch are provided. They must attend all three sessions (Oct. 5th and Nov. 9th) to earn the badges. Cost is $30 for the series. Email or call the office 874-4092 for more information or to sign up.