The season of snow and chilly weather is upon us and as many people know, this chilly season can affect our emotional wellbeing. 80% of American adults live with different mental health issues like stress, anxiety, and depression.
Beginning in October at the Gifford Conference Center, join our Community Health Team for a special workshop designed to support and strengthen your emotional wellbeing.
A snapshot of WRAP, Written by Facilitator, Jean Copeland:
WRAP began in Vermont over twenty years ago as a group of people coming together to write down what things helped them to re-gain their health while living with chronic conditions. The WRAP identifies stages of health, what each stage looks and feels like, and the tools most helpful at each stage. The goal is self-management by planning ahead and writing down the plan so there is as little disruption to our lives as possible, regardless of our health.
1. The Wellness Recovery Action Plan (WRAP) is a blank 3-ring binder given to each workshop participant. Participants fill in each section of the Plan on their own. Each section is discussed in detail in the group so you get lots of ideas.
2. There are 7 sections to the WRAP: 1) Toolbox, 2) Wellness, 3) Things Are A Little Off, 4) Things Are Starting to Break Down, 5) Things Are Out of Control, 6) Crisis, 7) After the Crisis.
3. There are 5 Key Concepts to making a successful WRAP: Hope, Personal Responsibility, Education, Self-Advocacy, and Support. These concepts need to be woven into each section of your Plan to provide you with the support you need to be as well as possible.
4. The WRAP is a living document; you can add to and remove things anytime.
5. The "Toolbox" is really important. This is where you list everything you do to stay well. It can include things like going to the doctor, talking to a friend, exercising, gardening, listening to favorite music, not eating junk food, etc.
6. For the other six sections, you list the following in each section of your notebook:
a. What Does This Look Like?
i. What are the feelings I usually have?
ii. What do I usually do or say?
iii. What tools do I need to use?
WRAP will begin October 12th and will continue weekly for a total of 8 sessions. Saturdays, 10:30am-1:30pm.
Please bring your lunch, snacks, drinks, and anything else to help keep you comfortable during our time together.
For more information or to register, visit or contact Megan Sault at or 802-728-7714
If you would like to attend WRAP AND learn more about becoming a facilitator of the program, please also contact Megan Sault for more information. The Community Health Team is looking for facilitators for many of our workshops we provide. 802-728-7714
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