Iyengar Yoga for Pregnancy

Past event
Sep 16, 2019, 3:30 to 4:30 PM

The Iyengar approach to yoga for pregnancy is a safe, effective, and empowering experience for women in any stage of pregnancy. Gain strength, confidence, awareness, and freedom in your practice and in your body as you prepare for the challenges and joys of childbirth and parenthood. In this class you will learn:

— In-depth knowledge of the poses appropriate for all three trimesters
— Breath work and poses specific for labor and delivery
— In-depth knowledge of contraindications with a focus on safety
— Steps for practicing at home
— Special topics like back pain, and balancing hormonal shifts
— A supportive group environment to help you navigate all the ups and downs of pregnancy!

7-week series begins September 16
Monday 3:30-4:30pm

Iyengar Yoga Center of Vermont
294 N Winooski Ave, second floor

To register or for more info contact:

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