The Enosburgh Community Recreation Committee invites you to "HELP DESIGN OUR COMMUNITY PARK"
Thursday, September 5th at 5pm at the site of the Enosburgh Community Recreation Fields by the Enosburgh Emergency Services Building.
*Check out the first concept plans and designs to renovate the Enosburgh Recreation Fields, presented by our consultant team, SE Group.
*These first designs will focus on creating a complete community space for all ages and include specific design ideas related to: key user experiences, varied opportunities for play and exercise, accessible routes, new amenities, and accommodation of different user groups.
*Share your feedback and ideas about the concept plans and designs. As well as the types of activities and programs that you would like to see taking place at the park.
*While your there, enjoy a delicious BBQ meal!
(This project is possible thanks to the 2019 Municipal Planning Grant from the Vermont Agency of Commerce and Community Development.)
For more info. email:, of find us on Facebook.