MiddMUG Sept Meeting Agenda

Past event
Sep 5, 2019, 7 to 9 PM

The monthly meeting of MiddMUG, the Middlebury Macintosh User Group, is Thursday, Sept. 5 at 7 pm, in the conference room (basement) at the Ilsley Library. This is a ONE TIME change because the 1st of Sept. is Labor Day, and some may be on a lake or at at BBQ. This meeting reminder is early because of the date change.

Hopefully your summer has be enjoyable, spent with friends and family, so, what have you discovered over the summer that you would like us to talk about regarding your device or software apps? Remember our MUG deals with Macintosh computers, iPhones, iPads, and the Apple watch. Have you had moments of sharing with friends and family hi-lighting a question that you would love answered, like: how do I do something in email, or my calendar is missing a date I know I input, perhaps my photos of my sister's birthday are all messed up, or my grand child just graduated and now has a new email address.

These kind of questions and any others we encourage you join us at this inaugural meeting of the Fall as the time to gather round and find the answers. In addition, we are pleased to announce that our meeting in October will have a guest presenter, Cliff Hamel. Cliff has kindly provided us with a brief bio of his career and experience with computers including the many faces of Mac. In addition, to provide a means to focus on any questions that you may have, Cliff has provided a rich listing of his Macintosh application exposure. We will use this list at this meeting in Sept, and in the future to identify where questions may be lurking. So, give a read thru.

So, as always, bring your devices and we'll help each other have more fun and be more productive. More information from MiddMUG21st@gmail.com (this is new! please change your contact listing for MiddMUG2018@mail.com to the MiddMUG21st@gmail.com).

In addition, we will continue to meet on the first Monday of each month from 7 pm to 8:30 pm throughout the remainder of the year (Oct, Nov, Dec) teach and help each other use Apple computers and devices. All levels of skills are welcome. There are no stupid questions!

Anyone and everyone can offer ideas or requests for our agenda. Indeed it is most important to the success of this meeting that you do. Do you have something you'd like to learn or teach? Let us know.

admin dave

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