Talk by Award-Winning Landscape Photographer

Past event
Aug 24, 2019, 2 PM

"When Do Natural Landscapes Evoke Architectural Forms?" a talk by landscape and cityscape photographer Peter Vanderwarker Saturday, August 24 at 2 PM presented by Henry Sheldon Museum

Award-winning photographer Peter Vanderwarker's photographs and the changing face of Boston have been inextricably entwined for nearly four decades. As the chronicler of Boston's "Big Dig" Central Artery Project on a grant from the National Endowment for the Arts, and co-author of two books of Boston Architecture, he will discuss the profession of and his approach to landscape photography. Peter's photographs of the Currier Farm in Danby, Vermont are included in the Dan Kiley exhibit on view through September 1, 2019 at the Sheldon Museum will be presented, along with images of landscapes taken world-wide. The fee for the general public is $5. Sheldon Museum members and members of the Vermont Chapter of the American Society of Landscape Architects attend for free.

The talk takes place in the Middlebury Town Offices, located across the street from the Sheldon Museum. The Sheldon is located at One Park Street in downtown Middlebury. For more information visit or call 802-388-2117.

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