Preview of Aug. 26 City Council Meeting

Past event
Aug 26, 2019, 7 to 10:30 PM

Dear Neighbors,

This coming Monday, the City Council will hold its second of two meetings in the month of August. We will begin our meeting at 7pm following a brief Local Control Commission meeting.

At our last Board of Finance meeting, we voted to reclassify a position at DPW and create a Capital and Asset Management Program Manager. It's time for us to create a plan to monitor and care for our City's many assets. In time, this position may well pay for itself with repair and maintenance savings and better planning when we need to replace items. On Monday evening, we will have a presentation recommending an asset management program organizational structure.

Following this presentation, a committee appointment and an indoor entertainment permit, we have six remaining items on our deliberative agenda:

• We will have a communication from Brookfield Properties that will include an update on the CityPlace project.

• A resolution on public engagement on the CityPlace Project.

• We will have a public hearing on proposed changes to our ordinance. The purpose of this proposed amendment is to add parking requirements for Art Gallery/Studio uses, align parking requirements for small daycares/preschools with those of large daycares/preschools, to allow parking changes for all dwelling units and to clarify its arrangement when used for multi-family structures. The purpose of the second amendment is to make a number of technical corrections to relocate language regarding tree removal standards and delete create a new definition for Junkyards and amend the Vehicle Salvage Yard definition, among other changes. The Council will vote on these changes after the public hearing.

• A proposed change to our ordinance regarding rules of conduct at the Fletcher Free Library.

• A resolution regarding an amendment to the rules and regulations of the City Council.

Please keep in mind that you are always welcome to come to a Council meeting and speak on any topic you wish during public forum. This begins at a time certain of 7:30pm at every Council meeting. You may access the Council agenda at Please note that all Council meetings are televised live on BT Channel 317 and streamed live to your computer or phone. Please go to youtube and type in "Burlington City Council meetings" and the live stream will come up.

As always, I welcome your questions and concerns. I hope you are enjoying these wonderful summer days.

My best,

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