Reminder: Kids Parade During Woodbury Old Home Day

Past event
Aug 24, 2019, 10 to 11 PM

Come one, come all to a Musical Kids Parade during Old Home Day! Inviting to Woodbury parents, grandparents, and children of all ages to join the parade. Inviting the whole community to come out for the parade and celebrate Woodbury's next generation.

Gather at the library beginning at 9am to decorate your bikes, wagons, etc. Participants are also welcome to decorate ahead of time if they can't come at 9, or are participating in other Old Home Day events at that time. Parade will begin from the Library around 10am and follow a short route suitable for young ones.

We invite kids to dress in costume (vintage or historical costumes encouraged) and bring an instrument of choice (bike horns and bells too)! Older children also welcome to participate with their horns, drums, and strings.

We will need a few community volunteers to help make the parade festive and safe. Please reply to this post if you are able to donate decorations ahead of time or volunteer during the parade event.

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