Free Yoga Classes Two Year Anniversary Celebration

Past event
Aug 21, 2019, 5:15 to 8 PM

Please join Dharma Yoga Vermont in celebration of our two year anniversary. We are honored to be a part of the community and want to show our love and gratitude by offering free classes on the day of anniversary, Wednesday August 21. Come for one or both:
5:15-6:15 Gentle
6:30-8 Master Class

We are also very excited to announce that started on Thursday, August 22nd (the day after our anniversary celebration) all of our classes will now be offered by donation. This means that our original prices and fees are no longer relevant to our regular class schedule. Everything excluding our workshops and children programs will now be offered on a donation base. Suggested donations are $10.00-$15.00 though we will not turn anyone away no matter the size of the donation.

With all our love at Dharma Yoga Vermont. We hope to see you soon

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