Pickles and Preserves Contest

Past event
Aug 31, 2019, 1 to 2 PM

The Corner School Resource Center is holding a Pickles and Preserves Competition as part of the Granville Charter Day Celebration on Saturday, August 31st at the Granville Town Hall Green, 4157 VT Rte 100. Entries will be accepted between 9:00 - 12:00 in three categories; Sweet, Savory, and Kid-Created. This judged competition will have prizes awarded so pull out your best pickle, Kimchi, jam, marmalade, or relish recipe and join the Celebration! For more information and entry rules, email vtcornerschool@gmail.com or call 767-4409. Entry forms will be available at the event or via email upon request. No meat please. Children should always be supervised in the kitchen.

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