Take the Vermont Resident Outdoor Recreation Survey Today! The VT Dept. of Forests, Parks, and Recreation wants to hear from you! Your input will help develop Vermont's next Statewide Comprehensive Outdoor Recreation Plan.
Take the Survey Now!
You may also attend an open house being hosted by FPR this month to share your ideas:
Monday August 19th, Brattleboro Fire Station, Brattleboro, 6-8pm
Tuesday August 27th, Thatcher Brook School Gym, Waterbury, 6-8pm
We want to know what Vermont residents think about recreation opportunities and needs across the state. What are Vermont's strengths and weaknesses related to recreation, from your local playground and park, to remote wilderness hunting and backpacking opportunities? Your input will inform Vermont's next Statewide Comprehensive Outdoor Recreation Plan (SCORP), which enables recreation and planning professionals to prioritize outdoor recreation investments and secure federal funding for municipal and state recreation projects.
If you have questions or would like additional information about the SCORP, contact Jessica Savage, Recreation Program Manager, Vermont Department of Forests, Parks and Recreation at Jessica.savage@vermont.gov or 802-249-1230, or Amy Kelsey, Research Specialist at UVM's Center for Rural Studies at amy.kelsey@UVM.edu or 802-598-4551.