Join Winooski City Council for their regular meeting:
Monday, 8/19/19 – 6:00 pm @ Winooski City Hall (27 W. Allen Street)
I. Call to Order
II. Pledge of Allegiance
III. Agenda Review
IV. Public Comment
V. Consent Agenda
A. Approval: City Council Minutes of July 15, 2019
B. Approval: Payroll Warrant ending 6/30/19-7/13/19, 7/14/19-7/29/19, 7/28/19-8/10/19. Warrant ending 8/5/19, 8/13/19 and Subsequent to payout June.
C. Approval: Hickok Street Loan Documents Water and Wastewater
D. Approval: Town Health Officer Term to Expire 8/31/2019
VI. City Update
VII. Council Reports
VIII. Regular Items
A. Approval: Resolution Honoring Rita Martel - K Lott
B. Approval: Appointment of Joe Perron to the Planning Commission - K Lott
C. Approval: GMT Appointments: Austin Davis and Marcy Ryan (ALT) - K Lott
D. Approval: Event Permit: West Street Block Party - H Carrington
E. Discussion: Year End Reporting from Treasurer - Alex Anastasi-Hill
F. Approval: Commission Liaison Appointments - J Baker
G. Discussion: Affordable Housing Trust Fund Recommendation - H Carrington
H. Discussion: Goal Update: Infrastructure - J Rauscher
I. Approval: Capital Improvement Budget Re-assignment - Main St concrete repairs - J Rauscher
J. Discussion: Personnel Hearing Process - K Lott - Potential Executive Session Pursuant to 1 V.S.A. §313 (4) a disciplinary or dismissal action against a public officer or employee; but nothing in this subsection shall be construed to impair the right of such officer or employee to a public hearing if formal charges are brought:
IX. Adjourn
X. Executive Session
Download the agenda for this meeting:
Winooski City Council meetings are open to the public - community members are encouraged to participate. For more information on Winooski City Council, visit
Questions regarding this meeting can be sent to Carol Barrett, City Clerk: / 802 655 6410
Please also note: Winooski City Hall will be closed on Friday, 8/16/19 in observance of Bennington Battle Day. Regular hours will resume on Monday, 8/19/19 (7:30 AM - 4:30 PM).
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