Yard Sale (Mostly) & Craft

Past event
Aug 17, 2019, 12 to 6 PM

Yard Sale, with mostly household things. Some craft things. No early birds, please. Also to go on Sunday from 12:00 to 6:00.

Items for this round:

Kitchen Aid Blender (very old) with Like New Food Mill and Wheat Grinder Attachments).
Magic Bullet Blender set.
Whynter Self Standing Ice Cream Maker
Full length heating pad & massage pad
Exercise Stuff (Balls, Dance Videos, etc).
Other yard sale stuff, quite a bit of glass, (ice vapor glass, gallon jugs, growlers, etc); there will be more!

Craft Items

Solar Lighted Dream Catchers, mounted in 3 foot hoola hoops.
Other, Smaller non-lighted dream catchers.
Bags made from jeans.
Lots and lots of knitting needles, books, some yarn, etc.
Swear Word Wash & Dish cloths (WTF, FML, MOFO, L8R, ILY, etc).
Plus, little bobble baby washcloths in sets of 4.
Tote Bags from Grain Bags.
Fun Flower and Bead Coasters.

53 High St. Middlebury

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