JFAM Welcomes John Lackard Blues Band

Past event
Aug 14, 2019, 4:30 to 8 PM

We're back! John Lackard Blues Band, Erica's Beef Jerky, Cambridge

Conservation Commission joins us with a sweet deal for $1.00 off prepared foods when you bring your own eating vessel and utensils.

Join us for a sweet summer evening and enjoy delicious local food and great blues.

Blueberries, fresh veggies, organic meat, eggs, CBD, maple, lemonade, kettle corn, ice cream, delicious Mediterranean food, barbecue, tacos, wood-fires pizza, art, jewelry, herbals, lotions, soaps, nature photography and tie dye!

Thanks for your support and see you tomorrow night!

Thanks m gratitude,

Deb & JFAM Crew

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