Fair - Sugar House Volunteers Needed

Past event
Aug 23, 3 PM to 3 PM, Aug 30, 2019

Chittenden County Maple Sugarmakers Association
"The Sugarhouse at the Fair, Since 1974"

July 29, 2019
Dear SugarMakers and Friends of Maple:

The fair dates this year are FRIDAY 3 PM August 23 through SUNDAY 10 PM September 1 and we will be looking for your help.
We would not be able to run the sugarhouse without the volunteers. Friday, Saturday and Sunday evenings will be the prime concert/events this year. We expect to be very busy on those evenings.

We have two shifts per day, 9:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. and 4:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. with clean up after the evening shift. The shift on opening day, August 23rd, will be from 3 PM until 10 PM.

We will have a "clean-up the sugarhouse" night on Tuesday, August 20th at 6:00 PM. All cleaning supplies will be provided. Pizza and drinks will be provided. We would appreciate your help. Closing clean-up is yet to be scheduled. It will be posted during fair week.

Each volunteer will receive a fair admission pass with parking, meal allowance, tee shirt and entry into the end of the fair prize drawing. If you can help us, please call MEGAN DAVIS at 802-825-8294. MEGAN will oversee all scheduling. ** MEGAN IS UNABLE TO RETURN CALLS ON THE 16th, 17th AND 18th OF AUGUST**. Please leave a message and she will return your call when she is back in town. Entrance tickets will be mailed so PLEASE CALL EARLY as we are NOT able to schedule at the last minute this year.

A few notes:
1. Please understand that we can't always send out family/friends together for dinner. Some nights are slow and if there are enough people, we can do that, if it is a crazy night, we can't send you all together. We will do our best.
2. Some items from the Health Department: A) Anyone touching food must use gloves at all times. We always have a large supply for you to use. B) There is to be no eating or drinking of food while working behind the counter. C) Must have appropriate hair restraints (hats, nets or ties). D) Clean outerwear. No sandals. Socks and closed toed shoes must be worn.

We are always looking for new people to become part of the sugarhouse family. If you have a friend or family member interested in volunteering, please get them involved with this great group of people. Volunteers must be at least 14 years old.

If you have questions, please call Nancy Bradford at 899-3433. The number at the sugarhouse is 802-878-9996 but will only be active during the fair.
Thank you.
Sugarhouse Fair Committee

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