Charlotte Senior Center Senior Lunch Aug. 14

Past event
Aug 14, 2019, 12 to 1 PM

The Charlotte Senior Center will be serving Senior lunch at the Charlotte Senior Center at noon on Wednesday, August 14th and will include: Hearty chopped ham salad, bread, beverages, and a Homemade dessert. Please call 425-6345 for a reservation. As usual, we ask that you call for reservations (425-6345) and a $5.00 donation would be greatly appreciated. Activities at the Charlotte Senior Center are open to citizens from neighboring communities. Reminder: If you want a reminder of what we'll be serving and when our website has the info:

After lunch at 1, there will be a presentation on Downsizing with Suzanne Lourie. Are you contemplating downsizing/rightsizing? Even if a move isn't imminent, simplifying your surroundings while keeping what you need or cherish most will allow you to live more comfortably in your home. We'll explore how to navigate the process and prepare for this life transition. There is no fee for this talk and no registration is necessary.

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