Calling all residents and property owners in Alburgh to attend the meeting this coming Tuesday, August 13th, at 7:00 pm in the town offices. On the agenda is a petition to revoke the ATV ordinance which allows ATV's to ride on town roads. As residents of West Shore Rd. we are very concerned. We see daily the kids, bike-riders, dog-walkers, joggers, etc. whose safety is put at risk by ATV's on public roads and we witness the added traffic and noise. We respect the rights of ATV owners but urge them to stay on the roads and trails which are designated to them.
Dec 24, 2024, 1 to 2:30 PM
CIDER Congregate MealsDec 25, 2024, 11:30 AM to 1 PM
Habitat for Humanity Volunteer Yankee SwapDec 27, 2024, 8 AM to 3 PM