Step into Action Recovery Walk

Past event
Sep 21, 2019, 11 AM to 1 PM

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The Step Into Action Recovery Walk is an annual event that aims to increase awareness of the recovery services available throughout Vermont, spread a message of hope to addicts and their loved ones that recovery is possible, and to shatter the stigma associated with addiction. This year's walk will be on Saturday, September 21st at the First Unitarian Universalist Church at the top of Church Street starting at 11am.

Individuals and families in Chittenden County are affected by substance abuse disorders each day. Every person affected by behavioral health issues has a reason to celebrate their story and accomplishments in an effort to help others who may be in need of help.

Together, Vermonters can do great things and send a strong and meaningful message to all those whose lives have been impacted by addiction, and the Recovery Walk was created to help get that message out.

What is the mission of the walk?
To celebrate recovery from addiction, build community awareness that recovery works, educate on the different pathways to recovery, and to help fundraiser for local non-profit recovery resources.

The theme for Recovery Month 2019 is Join the Voices for Recovery: Invest in Health, Home, Purpose, and Community.

Want to host a walk of your own?
Find out how here:

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