Voting to Merge (Again) in November 2020 Essex Jct/Town

Past event
Aug 13, 2019

Hi- my husband Ken Signorello has started a facebook page called To Merge or Not to Merge at . We in the town outside of the village (TOV) may be in a pickle and under-represented at this point as only 2 of 10 town selectboard and jct trustees actually live in the TOV and they are selling merger big time with a just approved info-graphic to be used at the upcoming focus groups. If you need to know how much a merger will impact your taxes- that is the question that seemingly cannot be answered until a merger is underway , but it is planned to be incrementally phased in over time when you will no longer be able to vote NO. Deadline to apply to be in focus groups held on August 13,14 and 15th is Wed. August 7. thanks!

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