Date and Time Correction! Compost 101: Spoiled to Soil

Past event
Aug 8, 2019, 6:30 to 8 PM

Composting 101: Spoiled to Soil will be held at one Monument Circle adjacent to the Bennington Monument from 6:30-8pm this Thursday, August 8th. Cat Buxton, Master Composter and Educator, will cover the spectrum of possible and practical ways to manage trash, including composting in the backyard. Learn how to turn waste into compost, reduce your trash size and smell, feed the soil, and save money and the planet!

Hosted by the Bennington Chapter of the UVM Extension Master Gardeners.. Admission is $5. UVM Extension Master Gardeners and Interns are free. For information, contact Mia Clark at mialclarke or Dottie at this posting.

To correct an earlier email: August 16th from 2-4pm at the Yellow Barn Community Garden on RT 313 in Arlington is the site of another UVM Extension Master Gardener event to learn how to extend the growing season with low tunnel gardening. A separate posting is forthcoming!

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